It seems nerds and geeks are ruling the world these days – not just because of their startups and their money – but also because some of them are really hot. Here’s a collection of some of the hottest nerds and geeks (or at least geeky lookalikes) out there on Instagram.

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1. Bryce Dettloff – The caption says it all

2. Jared Scott Hunt – a self-proclaimed “Huge Nerd”, hot and cute by our proclamation, the sunglasses and headphones are a nice geeky touch.

3. Michael Murphy – Yes, I have a weakness for geeks in leather coats.

4. Blake Mitchell – A bit unfair maybe, because he’s actually a porn-star, so of course he’s hot. But he’s also kind of nerdy with those famous glasses of his. And hot. and nerdy. and you get the point.


5. Joseph Herrington – He’s cute, he’s a nerd, he’s a gamer, what more could you ask for?


6. Grant Gustin – I was already a fan back when he was on Glee. And now he’s a hot nerd with superpowers! How can you beat that? (He’s The Flash, BTW, don’t mind the Superman cape).


7. Kamen Edwards – Look, it’s Harry Potter! Only… hotter than the one from the movies.

8. Trainer Jeann – If you’re going to play on the couch, you might as well look like this

9. Michael Hamm – If you don’t know him yet, you really should. He’s a model, he’s a cosplayer, and his Instagram feed is a treasure trove.


10. Stefan Curtis Lachance – Demonstrating why studying is so important (… so you would end up looking like this, of course)


And of course, be sure to follow us on Instagram for more hot guys (nerdy or otherwise)


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