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Charlie Hunnam always had a great body – from his young skinny days of Queer as Folk (UK), to his motorcycle gang member sixpack days on Sons Of Anarchy. 

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But it seems these were all preparations for the real thing – King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, where Charlie plays, well, The King – and his body is at its best shape ever. But how did it get that way?

Charlie Hunnam on Jimmy Kimmel
Photo: YouTube

Appearing on The Jimmy Kimmel Live show (with guest host Kristen Bell sitting in for Jimmy), Charlie talked about the upcoming movie (set to be released on May 12), and his method for getting those incredible abs.

Charlie Hunnam king arthur
Charlie in King Arthur: Legend of The Sword

“You had a very nice frame in this film”, Kristen says, channelling all of us. “And I don’t say that to objectify you – it’s because I care about the human condition. Not that I remember what you look like with your shirt off, it’s because I’ve watched it recently… and dreamt about it…”

Charlie then goes on to explain his main method for getting that body was doing.. .wait for it… 1,000 push-ups every day.

“And I’m a little bit crazy – if there’s a day where I didn’t do a 1,000, then I would punish myself enough to do 2,000 the next day.”

Looks like it definitely paid off! Watch the full interview right here, where you will also fall in love with Charlie after you hear how he saved a cat’s life:

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