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Sometimes you just want to sit down with your computer, relaxing on the sofa while Instagramming. And your fans… your fans only see that big bulge in the center of it all. Which is what happened – unsurprisingly – to Charles-Laurent Marchand this week.

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Charles-Laurent Marchand closeup
Photo: Instagram

Charles-Laurent Marchand is a 26-year-old French model who has more than 468,000 Instagram followers – and you’ll quickly understand why. He’s not only super-handsome, but also tends to show, well, a lot of himself. 

On his latest Instagram photo, Marchand asked his fans for the “best caption”. Well, first look at the photo – then guess what happened next.


The captions ranged from “That dick tho”, to “Bulge game so strong, bout to bust outta my briefs!”, to “Oh it only gets bigger baby” – you get the point.

Oh well – let’s take this chance to spend a few more seconds with that amazing body –


All of it –

Had enough?

OK OK One more

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