Sex is not just a lot of fun, it’s also an ongoing learning process, and if you take the time to learn and listen and try new things – you’re going to have better sex.

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Gay porn star Blake Mitchell sat down with popular YouTuber (and erotic website owner) Davey Wavey, to have an open, enlightening discussion on how to improve your sex.

Blake Mitchell and davey wavey

Blake Mitchell is a 23-year-old gay porn star who can usually be seen on Helix Studios (NSFW Link!), and recently also on Davey Wavey’s new gay erotica website – Himeros.TV (Also NSFW Link!).

The two sat down together on Blake’s YouTube channel, to give out some of their personal sex tips.

“Everybody deserves to have a little bit better sex”, they say at the beginning of the video. “Probably a lot of us have some room for improvement.”

And, according to Davey, most people are not even aware they can improve their sex lives. “Because even if you’re having bad sex – it’s good. Bad sex is like bad Pizza. It’s still pretty good. You’re still gonna eat it.”

Blake Mitchell Joey Mills himerostv
Blake Mitchell and Joey Mills on Himeros.TV

Their first tip to having good, fulfilling sex is Listening.

How are you gonna know what feels good, or how is your partner gonna know what DOESN’T feel good, if you don’t tell them? if you don’t like your nipples being pinched and you don’t say anything, someone is going to keep doing that.

Also, listening to your partner’s body. To tune in to the way you partner, either through words expresses what feels good and they want more of it, or by the way their body responds, and you can start to tune into that.

The flip side is expressing what feels good – communicating that to your partner.

Blake and Davey move on to discuss the difference between sex in hookups vs in deeper relationships, why it’s important not to shame people for their sexual desires, and… why people stopped sucking balls.

Learn More With Blake And Davey on Himeros.TV

Watch it all right here:

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