Former boy-band star Ashley Parker Angel has a question for you. First, though, you need to stare carefully at the photo of him wearing only tight briefs and sunglasses.

Ashley Parker Angel sunglasses
Photo: Instagram

The 35-year-old singer who used to be part of MTV’s “O-Town” band, celebrated “National Sunglasses Day” yesterday (turns out that’s a thing), and in his usual fashion, was wearing only [bulgy] briefs. And, this time – sunglasses.

Ashley was wondering, though, whether “it’s douchey to wear sunglasses inside…while only wearing briefs??”. As you might expect, a lot of his fans had a very simple answer – they were urging him to wear NOTHING, other than those sunglasses. Inside or outside.

And if you need some more of Ashley’s body in your life (and who doesn’t), here are a few other hot Instagram photos he posted recently –

No sunglasses this time –

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