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American films have a lot of hunks in them, there’s no denying that. But when you start watching foreign films, you get to discover some very exotic international men…

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Which is exactly the case with Spanish drama Sex, Party and Lies, which not only has an abundance of sexy men – but they also take part in some very explicit scenes…

sex party and lies kissing

Dipping again into the archives of our friends over at Mr Man (also known as the home of all the naked male celebrities), our latest favourite foreign film is Alfonso Albacete‘s salacious Sex, Party and Lies (Mentiras y gordas) from 2009.

sex part and lies kissing

The name really does say it all: we need to prepare you for the number of jaw-dropping studs you’re going to see. It’s like Spanish tapas, but with hot Spanish men instead of things you put in your mouth. Oh, wait…

Sex part and lies naked on the beach

We have Tony and Nico and their perfect, sculpted, smooth mounds, jiggling like four flotation devices as the guys go running naked into the ocean for a dip.

In case this isn’t enough to wet your whistle, the two young lads later share a heated exchange in a hallway with Yon Gonzalez completely nude.

sex party and lies threesome

The real winner here is Pablo and his big – quite big – bum. The rarest of breeds, we get more than a glimpse of this 8th wonder of the world as Maxi lies in bed and then gets on his knees…

sex party and lies naked

As always, we had to censor and pixelise some of the more… explicit parts. If you want to see, well, everything – you’ll have to go over here.

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