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We’re used to watching gay porn on our screens as part of a fantasy – but we don’t often stop and think about the actors who are actually there performing. Gay porn star Ashton Summers sat down with YouTuber Davey Wavey, to give him some behind-the-scenes tidbits.

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Ashton Summers helix gay porn star

Ashton Summers is a popular Helix Studios gay porn performer (you can see all his videos via this VERY NSFW LINK.)

He has a very active Twitter feed (currently with almost 100,000 followers), and in Davey Wavey’s latest video, Ashton explains he HAS to be social with his fans – because his success is based on them, “like every artist – and porn star.”

Cabin Fever - Helix Studios
Ashton Summers and Joey Mills

Ashton’s gay porn work started due to a common reason – he had to pay for college.

“You want the real story? I did it to pay for my college. When I was studying I didn’t have any social life, I couldn’t have a full job. So I was like – let me start doing this… and it was easy, and I liked it, so I keep doing it.”

When his mother found out about his porn career, three months ago, her first reaction was “Oh my god…” – but she’s OK with it, except for worrying about STDs.

“If you want to be a porn star, you need to be a nice guy. And professional… If on your first time you don’t do your work, you’re a bitch, you complain about everything – they won’t fly you again.”

Watch the full video here, where Ashton also takes the ultimate Twink Test…

Watch Ashton On Helix Studios [NSFW]


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